Here are 4 ways to save money on your air conditioning bill without setting the thermostat too high and suffering through the heat of the summer. If you’re needing air conditioning repair in Punta Gorda FL or anywhere else hot, read on. The following ideas are smart, easy to do, and inexpensive.

4 Simple Ways to Save Money on Your A/C Bill

    1. Change Your Filters: The most important thing any air conditioner consumer can do is keep up with filter changes. A dirty filter causes your A/C unit to work harder, trying to suck air through a dirty or clogged up filter. The result is inefficient air conditioner usage and a higher electric bill. Believe it or not, failing to change the air filter can increase a monthly electric bill by $60 to $80! AC services in Punta Gorda FL recommend keeping the filter fresh and changed frequently because it makes a huge difference, both on your wallet and the amount of wear and tear for your air conditioning unit. 
    2. Use Smart Technology: Another way to save some money is to get set up with a smart thermometer. That way, you’ll have easy access as well as complete control over your home’s temperature. Being able to control who has access to the thermostat is important. The temperature can be locked in, even if someone else, like a child, tries to change it. Keeping your air conditioning in Punta Gorda FL at a constant degree point where you feel comfortable will help save energy and money.
    3. Check the Seal of Your Windows: Over time, due to the settling of your house, small holes and cracks can develop around your home’s windows, letting in warm air and letting out cold air conditioned air. Even if your home is new, builders sometimes don’t get a perfect seal. Sealing windows with silicone is an easy way to reduce air leaking and improve efficiency further. Taking small steps like checking and sealing windows can, over time, make a significant difference toward your electric bill.
    4. Add Insulation: Adding more blown insulation to the attic is fairly affordable and makes a huge difference in a home’s efficiency. More cool temperatures will stay in your living area instead of escaping through the transfer of heat. 

Following some or all of these tips will help any homeowner reduce the cost of their air conditioning electricity. If you have any questions about air conditioning usage or are searching for AC services in Punta Gorda FL, get in touch with Kirkus Aire at (941)240-8600. We will answer any questions you might have and will offer our best advice for you air conditioning concerns or needs.  

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